Lade Veranstaltungen

Modern Dance & Choreo LAB
Roberta Fontana (ROM)
5.-9. September 2024

proud to have Roberta Fontana teaching in Munich again –
additional to Roberta’s amazing Open Classes there will be a brand-new workshop:

** Project Class: „CHOREO LAB“ **
for all Dancers
of intermediate, advanced and professional levels

The ChoreoLab is a 4-day choreographic workshop: The dancer who participates in these special classes will be able to have the experience of being part of a group choreographic creation. Using style, technique, dynamics, musicality and expression – All essential elements for a dancer. The choreographic work will be filmed and made available for your usage!

Thursday & Friday @20:30-22:00
Saturday & Sunday @16:30-18:00/18:30*
(*last day longer due to video shoot)
120,- €


Drop in.
For all dancers

warmup and technical preparation, diagonals for modern technique and of course a choreo part is a full dynamic work “on music” following harmony and capturing moments of deep emotions.

Thursday & Friday @19:00
Saturday @ 12:00 & Sunday @11:30
Monday @20:30

 6 Stars of your StarCard per class
or book your ticket in studio or directly here:

About Roberta Fontana’s Modern Class

Roberta unterrichtet Modern Dance für professionelle Tänzer in ganz Europa (u.a. Rom, Paris, Madrid, London, Zürich) und ist eine der erfolgreichsten Modern-Dance-Dozentinnen in Europa mit mittlerweile über 20,1 Tsd. Followern. Die musikalische Interpretation ist die Essenz ihres Tanzstils. Roberta verleiht ihren Choreografien umwerfende Dynamik, Technik und Ausdruck.

Modern class starts with a main total warm up, starting from the back, then isolations, pliees and muscolar stretching.
After a complete technical preparation follow diagonals for dynamic movement and modern technique studying with bases derived from ballet. The choreographic part is a full dynamic work, praticing body off-axis and off-balance, fast changes of directions and ampleness of movements, everything strictly “on music”, following harmony and expression, catching the beats, capturing moments full of deep emotions. Website: | on Instagram @robertafontana

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